The Pine Technical College student-run Ever Green Club has partnered with the Recycling Association of Minnesota to bring holiday light recycling to the Pine Area. Pine Area residents now may drop off their old holiday lights just inside the main entrance of Pine Technical College (look for the labeled box) now through the end of January, 2010. At that time, RAM representatives will pick up the lights and handle recycling.
"We heard about RAM establishing and growing a holiday light recycling program, and we wanted to be a drop-off site," said Heather Hanson Mead, Pine Technical College Ever Green Club President. "This kind of project is exactly what the Ever Green Club is all about," Mead added.
RAM, headquartered in St. Paul, is an association of recyclers around the state. RAM's Holiday Light Recycling Program is new, and drop-off sites are scattered around the state in Carlton, Duluth, Ely, Hutchinson, Mankato, Redwood Falls, St. Cloud and more. RAM announced they have collected and recycled 15,000 pounds of holiday lights since Dec. 3 this year.
Thanks to the efforts of PTC's Ever Green Club, Pine Technical College is the official collection site in Pine City for holiday lights recycling.
"I'm so happy students are getting involved!" said Ellen Telander, Executive Director of RAM.
UPDATE: The holiday light recycling program came to a close at the end of Jan., and the PTC Ever Green Club collected more than 350 pounds of lights in just four weeks. After turning in this large amount from the Pine Area to RAM, RAM in turn recycled more than 50,000 pounds.
"Thanks to everyone who participated in the first Holiday Lights Recycling Program," Mead said. "We will make plans to do this again next holiday season," Mead added.