The six nominees, all Outstanding Educators of the Year, now are working on completing some additional information for the Nomination Committee to review, and, using pre-established scoring criteria, the committee will select one faculty member to represent PTC and have a chance at winning the coveted Educator of the Year award. The six nominees are:
• Ann Boldt
• Jeff Ruth
• Julie Shores
• Dione Thoma
• Rita Watson
• Chris York
Last year, PTC's Melissa Felland, an instructor in the Early Childhood Development program, received an Outstanding Educator of the Year award.
"As a recipient of last year's Outstanding Educator of the Year award, I am proud and honored to congratulate all nominees. Preparing, being selected, and attending the ceremony honoring all Educators of the Year and Outstanding Educators of the Year was one highlight of my teaching career," Felland says. "It's one that I will never forget, and I hope the same for all of this year's nominees," Felland adds.