Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pine Technical College receives 300K grant

The Department of Education awarded Pine Technical College a $300,000 grant in October, 2009 to be used for the creation of an engaging computer game to support learners in developmental math.

John Heckman, Director of the Johnson Center for Simulation at Pine Technical College, is partnering with the Northeast Higher Education District and Mesabi Range Community and Technical College to bring the project to fruition. Heckman will guide the project’s technical development while NEHED, MRCTC and PTC will provide subject matter expertise.

"A big challenge for many people entering the world of higher education is that meeting the mathematics requirements can be very difficult," Heckman said. "Most new students need remedial coursework to prepare for intermediate and college algebra," Heckman added.

Heckman indicates it will take about three years to complete the project, though some sections of the game may be ready for testing by next fall.

The U.S. Department of Education awarded $11.25 million in grants for 29 projects. The grants are to benefit displaced and under-employed workers pursuing degrees or credentials in community or technical colleges, and its funded projects focus on preparing adult learners with marketable skills and knowledge to address employer needs in high-growth occupations.

"A relatively small number of grants were awarded, and ours was the only one in Minnesota," Heckman noted.

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