Monday, March 4, 2013

Pine Technical College to host financial aid workshop, Mar. 27

Mark your calendars! To assist students in preparing and applying for financial aid, Pine Technical College will host a Minnesota College Goal workshop event, Mar. 27, 3:30 p.m. PTC financial aid staff members will provide professional assistance with completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), as well as helpful information about additional methods for paying for college such as loans, scholarships, and more.
“For a lot of new students, the financial aid process can be a little overwhelming at first,” says Shawn Reynolds, PTC’s Director of Financial Aid. “By offering workshops like this, we can help students and their families navigate the process and also explain the ins-and-outs of aid, loans, grants, and scholarships, and that goes a long way in easing an applicant’s worries about paying for college,” Reynolds adds.
Minnesota College Goal is a statewide volunteer program that provides free assistance to students and families applying for financial aid for postsecondary education. New and returning students and their families are welcome to attend PTC’s free workshop. To complete the FAFSA at the workshop, attendees should come prepared and bring the following with them: social security number; alien registration number (if not a U. S. citizen); driver’s license number; last year’s tax information or tax returns (for both the applicant and his or her parents); information on savings, investments, and business and farm assets (for both the applicant and his or her parents); and, records of untaxed income.

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