The Pine Technical College Shooters' Association hosted the 29th Annual Gun Show over the weekend, and firearms enthusiasts and collectors from all corners of the Midwest turned out to trade, buy, sell, and browse guns, rifles, knives, and outdoor gear.
"We had about 2,700 people come through," says Doug Pieper, PTC Gunsmithing Technology instructor and Shooters' Association Advisor. "We really look forward to hosting this event each year; it's a chance for our gunsmithing students to showcase projects they've been working on in class to industry professionals as well as an opportunity to show off our gunsmithing program," Pieper adds.
Next year's event, the 30th Annual Gun Show, is scheduled for Feb. 23 and 24, 2013. For information regarding registering as a vendor, call 320-629-5168.
Photo at top: Gun Show attendees browse, buy, sell, and trade guns, rifles, and knives in PTC's Automotive Technology lab - outfitted to accommodate the annual event.
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